Monday, July 7, 2008

Kathy's Introduction

I'm Kathy from Minnesota. I think this mitten knit-along is going to be lots of fun.

I am right handed and I use both when doing color work and either pick knit or throw.

I like alpaca but haven't used silk. There is a lace shawl in my knitting future and silk is a possibility.

I've tried both circulars and double points and always go back to dbl points.

I've always been a coffee drinker but in the last year tea has become my drink of choice. I prefer English or Irish Black Tea with artificial sweetener and milk.

I don't have any beaded markers. Usually whatever is handy, scraps of yarn work.

I knit socks, socks, socks. I wear them, I give them as gifts. Mittens will be a nice change.
I knit pullovers and I wear cardigans.

I plan to knit these mittens with wool from my stash. Navy and denim blue.

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